Bibliografia nazionale italiana
Ministero della Cultura

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Scheda classi

Serie: Tesi di dottorato

Fascicolo: Gennaio-Dicembre 2013

The half-clown narrator, comico e parodia in At swim-two-birds di Flann O’Brien e Trylogy di Samuel Beckett2013-1727T
HCV interferisce con la via di segnale BMP6-SMAD e sopprime l’espressione di epcidina2013-978T
HEMT-based wideband low-noise amplifiers for laser rangefinding and radio astronomy applications2013-1287T
Hepatic left lobe volume is a sensitive index of metabolic improvement in obese women after gastric banding2013-991T
Hepatocellular carcinoma in emerging populations2013-870T
The Herschel space observatory2013-408T
Heteroclinic intersections and Arnoldʼs diffusion2013-436T
A hierarchical bayesian modeling approach to genetical genomics2013-397T
Hierarchical porous materials for acid catalysis in biorefinery2013-1152T
High performance track and hold amplifiers for GHz range applications2013-1263T
High power fiber lasers for industrial applications2013-1257T
High reliability electromechanical actuators for the more electric aircraft2013-1229T
High shear wet granulation2013-1586T
High-performance velocity, frequency and time estimation using GNSS2013-1351T
High-speed interconnect models with stochastic parameter variability2013-1215T
High-voltage integrated circuits design and validation for automotive applications2013-1281T
The histone demethylase JARID1C is a tumor suppressor that increases genomic instability and facilitates tumorigenesis through heterochromatin disruption2013-637T
Homogenization techniques for metamaterials realized by multilayer planar periodic surfaces2013-1291T
How the adult social brain becomes the way it is2013-70T
HRS (Hazard Ranking System)2013-1453T
Human amniotic fluid stem cell differentiation along smooth muscle lineage2013-1105T
Human cell response to ionizing radiation in ground gravity and microgravity condition2013-608T
Humanoid robot motion creation based on touch interpretation2013-1201T
Hybrid organic/inorganic nanotubes of imogolite type2013-489T
Hydrogen direct injection in reciprocating engines using commercial injectors2013-1162T
Hydrogen production using purple non-sulfur bacteria (PNSB) cultivated under natural or artificial light conditions with synthetic or fermentation-derived substrates2013-652T
Hygrometric applications of microwave quasi-spherical resonators2013-1129T