W | |
Water politics | 2013-1448T |
The waterfront area in Italy and China | 2013-1684T |
Wave energy harvesting in the Mediterranean Sea | 2013-1443T |
Web accesssibility and collaboration to support learning for blind people | 2013-22T |
Web usability e decision-making | 2013-336T |
Wide area surveillance with rotating and zooming cameras | 2013-1212T |
Wille, unbewusstheit motivation | 2013-42T |
Wilson loops and generalized quark-antiquark potential in ABJM theory | 2013-443T |
Womanʼs labour supply, the crisis and the access to managerial and entrepreneurial position | 2013-207T |
Wool fabric plasma treatment | 2013-1156T |
Work in the capability approach | 2013-208T |