Bibliografia nazionale italiana
Ministero della Cultura

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Scheda classi

Serie: Tesi di dottorato

Fascicolo: Gennaio-Dicembre 2016

Nano magnetic logic2016-582T
NATO goes East2016-71T
Natural and artificial sense of smell in biomedical and environmental applications2016-295T
Navigation systems for unmanned underwater vehicles2016-619T
Near field coupling in wireless systems for identification, sensing and communication2016-572T
La nefrectomia parziale robotica per carcinoma renale2016-400T
Nel labirinto dei link2016-147T
Nella sua metà la mia metà riunisco2016-171T
Neuroprotective approach with ciliary neurotrophic factor in a CNGB3-/- mouse model of achromatopsia2016-227T
Neutrophil activation promotes fibrinogen oxidation and thrombus formation in Behçetʼs disease2016-340T
New methods in cardiac magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy2016-291T
New pharmacological strategies for cutaneous malignant melanoma2016-318T
New sources of resistance to fungal leaf and head blight diseases of wheat2016-658T
New test and fault tolerance techniques for reliability characterization of parallel and reconfigurable processors2016-16T
Next generation sequencing assays as diagnostic tool for patients with multiple deletions of mitochondrial DNA2016-412T
Nominal context-free behaviour2016-10T
Noncompliance in screening trials2016-187T
Non-parametric inference and simulation in extreme value theory2016-186T
Novel strategies to overcome Cisplatin resistance in colorectal cancer2016-337T
Novel ultrasound doppler methods for blood flow characterization2016-571T
Numerical and analytical models for electromechanical motion systems2016-543T
Nuove strategie di controllo biologico delle avversità degli alveari per la salvaguardia della salute delle api e la produzione di prodotti apistici di qualità2016-671T
Nurse competence scale2016-303T