B | |
Bacteriophages to control Campylobacter jejuni in poultry production | 2018-370T |
Bayesian learning of the Mallows ranking model | 2018-159T |
Bayesian modular approaches for regression | 2018-164T |
Behavioural and structural time course study in 6-OHDA and LPS Parkinsonʼs disease rat models | 2018-200T |
Biological role of sphingosine 1-phosphate in neuroblasts derived from otic vesicle | 2018-238T |
BIPV e processo BIM-based | 2018-385T |
Bisphosphoglyceratemutase (BPGM) | 2018-236T |
Body temperature measurement in children | 2018-286T |
Bordeline personality disorder | 2018-278T |
Un borgo, due anime | 2018-402T |
Il breve viaggio attraverso l’impero | 2018-390T |
Brief cooperation | 2018-49T |
Briganti d’Italia | 2018-408T |