Bibliografia nazionale italiana
Ministero della Cultura

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Scheda classi

Serie: Monografie

Fascicolo: 05 2018

Hanoi after the war2018-5119
Hemingway e l'Italia2018-5184
Hemingway in Italy2018-5184
Heritage di prodotto e di marca2018-5010
Histen, Haza, Csal2018-5335
3: Histoire métaphysique, physique et technique des deux cosmos2018-4437
Historia Langobardorum2018-5409
A history of cinema without names. 3, New research paths and methodological glosses2018-5143
Ho trovato la mia tribù2018-4857
Homesick for another world2018-5190
L'homme moral opposé à l'homme physique de M. R2018-4588
Homo imaginationis2018-4406
Horace in the Kyiv Mohylanian poetics (17th-first half of the 18th century)2018-5171
Hotel Pasolini2018-5142
Hsiao Chin2018-5107