Bibliografia nazionale italiana
Ministero della Cultura

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Scheda classi

Serie: Tesi di dottorato

Fascicolo: Gennaio-Dicembre 2013

γ -TiA1 fabricated by EBM as innovative material for aerospace applications with low environmental impact2013-1157T
G2: figli d’immigrati o nuovi italiani?2013-362T
The gain-loss model2013-45T
La garanzia di sicurezza e qualità dei prodotti agro-alimentari biologici2013-256T
Gas metallicities in galaxies2013-456T
Gas origin in the extended narrow line region of nearby seyfert galaxies2013-403T
Gender differences of ADRs related to psychotropic drug2013-802T
Gender, family and traditional norms in developing countries2013-155T
The genes shuffling in microbial communities2013-1518T
La genesi ideale della vocazione storiografica2013-91T
Genetic and functional variability in plant associated bacteria2013-649T
Genetic approaches to study Rc gene a pigmented rice with high proanthocyanidins content in pericarp2013-1613T
Genetic association between bipolar disorder and 524>C (Leu133Ile) polymorphism of CNR2gene, encoding for CB2 cannabinoid receptor ; Interaction between Pum2 and Stau1 RNA-binding proteins and their role in behavior2013-820T
Genetic interaction between MTMR2 and FIG4 phospholipid phosphatases involved in Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathies2013-956T
Genetic variability in the phytopathogenic bacterium Pseudomonas savastanoi2013-1521T
Genetic variations in the MECP2 3’UTR and in Arx gene influence the pathogenesis of neurodevelopmental disorders2013-1112T
Genetics and pharmacogenetics of Pagetʼs disease of bone2013-889T
Genome-based technologies provide novel insight into the pathogenesis and the clinical response of lymphoid malignancies2013-1117T
Genomewide analysis of gene expression in Vitis vinifera ssp.2013-1519T
Genomics of stress resistance in the model plant Brachypodium distachyon2013-1500T
Genotype-phenotype correlations and genetic family screening in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy2013-960T
Geochemical and isotopic tracers in copper deposits and ancient artifacts2013-576T
Geochemistry of the high-pressure CO₂ systems2013-551T
Geochimica dei fluidi vulcanici e idrotermali2013-552T
Geografia e cooperazione2013-1762T
The geomorphological origin of recession curves2013-1433T
A geophysical and geotechnical study of the sandy soil foundation for proposed metro-tunnel at the Najaf Area, Southern Iraq2013-1425T
Geotecnologie applicata alla valorizzazione del patrimonio geomorfologico e geologico come risorse per un turismo sostenibile2013-578T
Le geotecnologie applicate all’archeologia2013-589T
Gestione del rischio nelle reti di imprese2013-1566T
Gestione in vivaio di Cynodon dactylon x.C. transvaalensis cultivar Patriot2013-1493T
Gfi-1 inhibits proliferation and colony formation of p210BCR/ABL-expressing cells via transcriptional repression of STAT 5 and Mcl-12013-1063T
Giordano Bruno e l’Academia Julia di Helmstedt2013-87T
I giovani e il voto in sei paesi europei, 1981-20002013-137T
Giovanni Ambrogio Figino pittore (1553-1608)2013-1645T
Giovanni Battista Caccialupi e l’istruzione giuridica tra Medioevo ed età moderna2013-222T
Gioventù corte2013-102T
Il giudizio abbreviato2013-273T
Il giudizio di rinvio dopo l’annullamento in Cassazione2013-284T
La giuridificazione della storia2013-300T
GNSS receiver signal processing2013-1350T
Going ultra deep to unravel the secret recipe of biofuel2013-612T
Governare la ricostruzione2013-1657T
Il governo delle infrastrutture2013-248T
Granger causality and statistical methods applied to global warming and radon/earthquake connection2013-394T
Greening global value chains2013-1569T
Gregorio Nazianzeno, carm. 2.,2,32013-372T
Grid and cloud computing for e-science applications2013-1298T
Groundwater potential risk of agricultural activity in Vercelli plain, North Italy2013-587T
La Grundlage metafisico-trascendentale schopenhaueriana2013-86T
Shakir, Ammar Mahmood.
A geophysical and geotechnical study of the sandy soil foundation for proposed metro-tunnel at the Najaf Area, Southern Iraq / Ammar Mahmood Shakir ; supervised by Sebastiano Foti, Basim R. Hijab, Amer A. Laftah. [Torino, 2013].
   1 volume : ill.
   A thesis submited to Dept. of Earth Science, University of Baghdad and Dept. of Structural, Geotechnical and Building Engineering, Politecnico di Torino, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the double degree of doctor of philosophy in geophysics and in engineering for natural and built environment. In testa al frontespizio: Politecnico di Torino, Department of Structural, Geotechnical and Buiding Engineering, DISEG; University of Baghdad, College of Science, Department of Earth Science. 
Altro autore:   
   Politecnico di Torino : Dipartimento di ingegneria strutturale, edile e geotecnica
   University of Baghdad : Department of Earth Science
624.1       ICAR/07

BNI 2013-1425T