M | |
Maffeo Vegio, Elegiae, Rusticanalia, Disticha ed Epigrammata | 2013-366T |
Magnetic field sensors suitable for high temperature and vacuum operations and for remote handling in harsh environment | 2013-1208T |
Magneto-optical investigation on nanostructured magneto-plasmonic materials | 2013-1142T |
La magnetosfera terrestre durante l’ultimo minimo del ciclo di attività solare | 2013-550T |
Maize weed communities composition dynamics under land abandonment and urbanisation trends at landscape level | 2013-1496T |
The making of military doctrines in Brazil, Venezuela and Colombia, 1989-2010 | 2013-140T |
Making words mean | 2013-351T |
Malattia osteoarticolare nel carcinoma mammario | 2013-1006T |
The male phenotype in Polistes dominula | 2013-683T |
Management of the invasions of allochthonous arthropods | 2013-690T |
Mannose binding lectin and complement pathway in brain ischemic injury | 2013-976T |
MAPK15 stimulates autophagy by interacting with LC3 and GABARAP proteins | 2013-860T |
I Marescandoli di Lucca | 2013-35T |
Marker endoteliali | 2013-855T |
Market development and types of business in Italian whey industry | 2013-184T |
Markets for ideas | 2013-1572T |
Martin Luthers Judenbild und dessen Rezeption im Zeitalter der lutherischen Orthodoxie | 2013-1732T |
Mass spectrometry-based proteomics | 2013-738T |
Massively parallel method of moments for fast and reliable electromagnetic simulations for dielectric bodies and metals | 2013-1283T |
Massively parallel nanoarchitectures | 2013-1272T |
Materiali ibridi per la protezione di lapidei | 2013-1188T |
Materials and nanostructured coatings for soft tissue regeneration | 2013-744T |
Maternal child attachment and perinatal depression | 2013-1049T |
Mathematical modeling of mass transfer and reaction in an innovative solid oxide fuel cell | 2013-1606T |
Mathematical modelling of the motion of the vitreous humour induced by eye rotations | 2013-1440T |
A matter of style | 2013-687T |
Measurement error issues in consumption data | 2013-164T |
Measurement of seasonal variation of Be7 flux with borexino experiment and new observables sensitive to matter effect from updated solar neutrino global fit | 2013-480T |
Measurements of charmless b-hadron decays at CDF | 2013-427T |
Meccanismi di regolazione vascolare mediata da cellule staminali mesenchimali in malattie autoimmuni sistemiche | 2013-869T |
Meccanismi di trasporto e applicazioni fotovoltaiche del silicio poroso | 2013-1251T |
Mechanical unfolding and confinement of proteins investigated through an Ising-like model | 2013-434T |
Mechanics of snow avalanches and interaction with stuctures | 2013-1397T |
Mechanistic, structural and dynamic characterization of biomolecules | 2013-519T |
Mediazione | 2013-319T |
Mental representation of letters of the alphabet | 2013-68T |
Messa a punto di protocolli di valutazione della disabilità basati sul modello biopsicosociale e la struttura descrittiva della Classificazione internazionale del funzionamento disabilità e salute (ICF) | 2013-1113T |
Metabolic consequences of Hp deficiency | 2013-990T |
Metabolismo energetico dello spermatozoo umano | 2013-838T |
Metal exclusion strategies in Silene paradoxa L. | 2013-601T |
Metal nanoparticles on TiOx/Pt(111) ultathin films with different structures and stoichiometries | 2013-513T |
Metal-oxide nanostructures for energy applications | 2013-1277T |
A methodology for Earthquake risk mitigation of hospital systems | 2013-1634T |
Methodology for the analysis of fuel behavior during LOCA and RIA | 2013-1354T |
Methods and applications in networked control and feedback control design for quantum systems | 2013-1479T |
Metodi di risoluzione della crisi dell’impresa speciale: la banca | 2013-302T |
Metodi e sistemi avanzati per l’infomobilità | 2013-1430T |
Metodi per il riconoscimento di feature geometriche del corpo umano | 2013-715T |
Un metodo laico per la disciplina del fine vita | 2013-245T |
Una metodologia ed un framework per lo sviluppo di enterprise rich internet applications | 2013-1199T |
Metodologie analitiche, sperimentali e computazionali per lo studio del campo acustico esterno di un autoveicolo | 2013-1185T |
Metodologie di rilevamento ad alta risoluzione per i beni archeologici a scala architettonica | 2013-416T |
Metodologie di rilievo integrato in contesti urbani storici post-sisma | 2013-1672T |
Metodologie di studio e miglioramento della QoS per traffici multimediali su reti WiMAX | 2013-1344T |
Metodologie di valutazione e progettazione sostenibile degli imballaggi alimentari | 2013-714T |
Metodologie geostatistiche nell’idrogeologia | 2013-577T |
Micro-and nano- zerovalent iron dispersion stabilized by biopolymers | 2013-472T |
Microbial ecology of two traditional sourdough processes in Italy | 2013-664T |
Microfoundations of entrepreneurial decision making | 2013-1578T |
Microgenomics of skeletal muscle | 2013-644T |
Micro-nano tribological studies by atomic force microscope | 2013-429T |
Microscopic theory of energy dissipation and decoherence in solid-state systems | 2013-463T |
Mid infrared digital holography and terahertz imaging | 2013-422T |
The middle-late triassic δ13Cplant trend and the carnian pluvial event C-isotope signature | 2013-553T |
Miglioramenti della integrità del segnale e dell’alimentazione in sistemi digitali ad elevato bit-rate | 2013-1204T |
Miglioramento qualitativo della filiera produttiva del caviale e dello storione | 2013-1546T |
Migrants and minorities | 2013-152T |
Mild cognitive impairment | 2013-1028T |
Mineralogy of sediments from AND-2A drill core (McMurdo Sound, Antarctica) | 2013-579T |
Il minority stress nella popolazione gay e lesbica italiana | 2013-1025T |
Miro-1 controls mitochondrial dynamics and regulates lymphocyte adhesion and migration | 2013-628T |
Mitigation of cross wind effects on road vehicles by porous screens | 2013-1396T |
Mito e pensiero nel teatro di Miguel De Unamuno | 2013-1750T |
Mitologia del male | 2013-76T |
A mixed-effect multinomial Markov-chain model for describing sleep architecture in insomniac patients | 2013-719T |
Mixed-signal integrated circuits design and validation for automotive electronics applications | 2013-1252T |
Model-based design, simulation and debugging for wireless sensor networks | 2013-1296T |
A model-based framework to integrate field buses, nomadic devices and wireless senso-actuator networks | 2013-5T |
Model-based high level synthesis and design space exploration | 2013-1259T |
Modeling and analysis of multilayer complex distribution system | 2013-1233T |
Modeling and characterization of metal/SiC interface for power device application | 2013-473T |
Modeling and design of wireless protocols for networked control applications | 2013-1318T |
Modeling and management of smart energy networks | 2013-1228T |
Modeling of bonded magnet injection moulding | 2013-1619T |
Modeling of charge transport and degradation in high-k stacks for logic device and memory applications | 2013-1300T |
Modeling of graphene electron devices | 2013-1267T |
Modellazione avanzata di flussi reagenti all’interno dei motori a combustione interna | 2013-1161T |
Modellazione di strutture bidimensionali multistrato con legame costitutivo nonlineare | 2013-1398T |
Modelli compositivi per la difesa alla moderna | 2013-1666T |
Modelli di dinamica per una particella quantistica in presenza dell’ambiente | 2013-447T |
Modelli di regalità di area iberica durante il 7. secolo | 2013-1782T |
Modelli insediamentali nella Valle del Sacco e nell’alta e media Valle dell’Aniene nell’età del bronzo e nella prima età del ferro | 2013-705T |
Modelling human mobility and the large-scale spatial spread of infectious diseases | 2013-450T |
Modelling of spectroscopic and structural properties using molecular dynamics | 2013-500T |
Modellizzazione delle precipitazioni attraverso automi cellulari | 2013-565T |
Il modello interazione gene-ambiente nella patogenesi delle psicosi | 2013-916T |
Un modello multidimensionale integrato per il gambling | 2013-1038T |
Il modello toscano di auto-aiuto nel campo della salute mentale | 2013-114T |
Models and methods for automated background density estimation in hyperspectral anomaly detection | 2013-1352T |
Models and methods to simulate low-energy impact | 2013-1467T |
Models and protocols for resource optimization in wireless mesh networks | 2013-26T |
Modification and characterization of poly (lactic acid) film for food packaging | 2013-488T |
Modificazione della flora intestinale e obesità | 2013-979T |
Modular numerical environment for the characterization of a helicon plasma thruster | 2013-1472T |
Modulation of protein-protein interactions for drug development in Alzheimerʼs disease | 2013-811T |
Modulazione a livello epigenetico del programma EMT attivato dal TGF-β1 in cellule MCF-10A | 2013-786T |
Molecular dynamics simulations of complexes molecular systems | 2013-520T |
Molecular imaging of the heart by mass spectrometry | 2013-937T |
Molecular mechanisms of neuronal dysfuntion in HIV-associated neurological disorders | 2013-1021T |
Molecular mechanisms of protein trapping and maturation in the inter membrane space of mitochondria | 2013-527T |
Molecular quantum-dot cellular automata (QCA) | 2013-1286T |
Il monachesimo armeno in Eufratese e Cilicia | 2013-1679T |
Moneta e distribuzione nel dibattito italiano sul ciclo economico (1900-1940) | 2013-170T |
Monitoraggio e identificazione dinamica di strutture snelle | 2013-1417T |
Monitoraggio idrologico e idrochimico per un modello concettuale di circolazione e impatto dell’attività sismica sulla idrogeologia | 2013-580T |
Monitoraggio sanitario di famiglie di api allevate con metodo biologico e trattate con medicina integrata | 2013-1543T |
Morphological and ultrastructural studies on the reproductive biology of Phasmatodea and Zoraptera (insecta) | 2013-689T |
Morphoneotectonic investigations in coastal areas | 2013-559T |
MoSi₂-NbSi₂ composites fabricated by tape casting and spark plasma sintering for high temperature applications | 2013-1608T |
Motion estimation algorithms for catadioptric cameras | 2013-743T |
Mouse models of hereditary hearing loss | 2013-773T |
MR-DWI sequences in the detection of non cystic focal liver lesions | 2013-941T |
A multi-disciplinary approach to dark matter searches | 2013-404T |
Multidisciplinary approach to study the involvement of amyloid-beta peptide on the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease | 2013-504T |
Multidisciplinary design analysis and optimization of innovative propulsion systems and airframe integration for a low environmental impact | 2013-1473T |
Multifunctional hierarchical cellular solids | 2013-1414T |
Multilevel Nyquist-WDM ultra-long-haul coherent optical transmission systems | 2013-1314T |
Multiscale modeling of three-dimensional cell cultures for type 2 diabetes studies | 2013-1595T |
Multiscale simulation of polymer nanoparticles precipitation for pharmaceutical applications | 2013-1588T |
Multiscale simulations to unveil the structural determinants of mutations linked to retinal diseases | 2013-943T |
Multi-technique approach for the in situ study of ancient manuscripts | 2013-1458T |
Multivariate population balance for turbolent gas-liquid flows | 2013-1582T |
Murature in zona sismica | 2013-1418T |
Murature storiche aquilane | 2013-1401T |
Il museo diffuso | 2013-1685T |
Musica e musicalità in Franz Grillparzer | 2013-1730T |
Musica per film | 2013-1714T |
Musik und Musikälitat bei Franz Grillparzer | 2013-1730T |
Mutagenic activity of activation induced deaminase in relation to its regulation | 2013-905T |
Mutations and epigenetics in myeloproliferative neoplasms | 2013-843T |
Myc-dependent protein interactions that mediate transcription activation and transformation | 2013-639T |