N | |
The NA62 RICH detector | 2013-478T |
Nanocompositi a matrice poliuretanica per la salvaguardia del patrimonio culturale da inquinamento e microorganismi | 2013-1460T |
Nanogap structures for molecular electronics and biosensing | 2013-726T |
Nanostructured carbon/silicon composite opto-electrochemical devices for sensing and energy harvesting applications | 2013-1273T |
Nanostructured materials based on ZnO for catalytic, optical and magnetic applications | 2013-516T |
Narrazioni d’identità migranti | 2013-129T |
Natura multiscala delle fluttuazioni del campo magnetico terrestre nelle aree polari | 2013-549T |
Natural resource sustainability through bio-based polymers development | 2013-1589T |
Necessità, emergenza e pubblici poteri | 2013-271T |
Neighbourhood context and civic development | 2013-113T |
Neisseria meningitidis adhesin A | 2013-515T |
Neoclassical Hollywood music | 2013-1711T |
Network coding for cognitive radio networks | 2013-1305T |
Network-coded cooperative wireless networks | 2013-1325T |
The neural correlates of auditory orienting in Macaque monkey | 2013-600T |
Neurobiological effects of dhea in females with special reference to sexual function | 2013-1107T |
A new approach to quality assessment in the pansharpening framework | 2013-1347T |
New approaches and emerging treatment options for mild-moderate patches psoriasis | 2013-999T |
New construction methods for copulas and the multivariate case | 2013-396T |
I new Englishes e la formazione degli insegnanti di inglese come lingua sempre meno straniera in Italia in contesto plurilingue e in prospettiva interculturale | 2013-358T |
New frontiers of markerless motion capture | 2013-721T |
A new insight to emergy by means of set theory | 2013-1462T |
New insights into the pathogenic mechanisms associated with CNVs | 2013-891T |
New mediators for the biocatalysis mediated by laccase | 2013-498T |
New molecular devices for selective structural modifications of G-quadruplexes foled oligonucleotides | 2013-800T |
New multiactive ingredients | 2013-830T |
A new portable high density surface EMG multichannel acquisition system | 2013-717T |
A new process for rapid biodegradation of heavily contaminated marine sediments | 2013-1141T |
News, current account imbalances and international business cycles | 2013-159T |
Next generation combination vaccines | 2013-952T |
Next generation sequencing | 2013-1001T |
No semimartingales and clusters in financial markets | 2013-166T |
Noble metal/metal oxide nanocomposite thin films for optical gas sensors | 2013-1146T |
Il nodo della partecipazione dei lavoratori in Italia | 2013-262T |
Non a caso | 2013-101T |
Non-functional modeling and analysis of context aware software systems | 2013-9T |
Nonlinear estimation techniques for autonomous navigation in single and multi robot systems | 2013-1483T |
Nonlinear relativistic equation of state and phase transitions in nuclear matter at finite temperature and baryon density | 2013-446T |
Non-noble metal cathodic electrocatalysts for PEM cells and direct methanol fuel cells | 2013-1597T |
Non-trivial relations between lie algebras and its physical applications | 2013-444T |
Norme penali di favore e sindacato di legittimità costituzionale | 2013-280T |
Notch cooperates with pathways involved in tumor progression | 2013-896T |
Novel Dye-sensitized solar cell architecture based on microfluidic housing system | 2013-469T |
Novel haptic cueing for UAV tele-operation | 2013-1475T |
A novel immunotherapy approach for the targeting of acute myeloid leukaemia by the use of chimeric antigen receptors (CARs) | 2013-1064T |
Novel insights into leukemia immune escape after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation | 2013-974T |
Novel insights into skeletal muscle regeneration | 2013-853T |
Novel mechanism of MYC dysregulation | 2014-929T |
Novel methodologies and technologies for the multiscale and multimodal study of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) | 2013-718T |
A novel recombinant vaccine against Staphylococcus aureus | 2013-623T |
The novel-essay, 1884-1947 | 2013-1722T |
Nucleolipid self assemblies for the confinement and delivery of nucleic acids | 2013-499T |
Nullipare | 2013-103T |
Numerical and experimental methods applied to human exposure to electromagnetic fields | 2013-1226T |
Numerical approximation and analysis of mathematical models arising in cells movement | 2013-389T |
Numerical simulation and control of separated flows | 2013-476T |
Numerical simulation and design of semiconductor quantum dot-based lasers and amplifiers | 2013-1301T |
Numerical studies of turbolent forced convection in a wavy channel for low and order one Prandtl number | 2013-1173T |
Numerically efficient techniques for electromagnetic scattering calculations in the frequency domain | 2013-1282T |
Nummulite banks in the Eocene of Tethys | 2013-590T |
Nuove metodiche di imaging nello studio della mobilizzazione di protesi articolare | 2013-1084T |
Nuove prospettive di indagine tassonomica di denti decidui usurati attraverso analisi di immagine e tecnologie tridimensionali | 2013-703T |
Nuove strategie sintetiche per la preparazione di principi attivi di farmaci | 2013-534T |
Nuove tecniche di abbattimento della sostanza organica e di sfruttamento ai fini energetici dei reflui in acquacoltura | 2013-1540T |
Nuovi attori e processi di riterritorializzazione in ambiti urbani degradati | 2013-177T |
Nuovi bersagli farmacologici per la neuroprotezione ischemica da ipotermia in un modello murino di ischemia cerebrale | 2013-822T |
Nuovi paesaggi tra città e mare | 2013-1661T |
Nuovi tensioattivi green da materie prime di origine naturale | 2013-545T |
Un nuovo dispositivo di protezione sismica | 2013-1413T |
Un nuovo processo di biodegradazione rapida di sedimenti marini fortemente contaminati | 2013-1141T |
Nutritional and hormonal modulation of human melanoma progression | 2013-935T |