D | |
Dal modello della città ai sistemi informativi urbani | 2014-1619T |
Dal popolarismo al clerico-fascismo | 2014-1792T |
Dalla cattedra all’officina | 2014-727T |
Dalla crescita alla decrescita | 2014-1606T |
Dalla Regione dei laghi a Roma tra Cinque e Seicento | 2014-1591T |
Il danno non patrimoniale da inadempimento | 2014-318T |
Data mining algorithms for internet data | 2014-33T |
Data mining and mathematical modelling on diabetes | 2014-732T |
Data mining techniques for complex application domains | 2014-40T |
DC, PCI, PSI e Medio Oriente | 2014-183T |
De la mesure du corps à la politique des corps | 2014-389T |
Le Décimas di Luis de Góngora | 2014-1728T |
Deficit di cognizione sociale di metacognizione e di funzionamento nelle malattie mentali | 2014-1033T |
Deformazione e trattamenti termici sugli acciai inossidabili | 2014-1569T |
Delegificazione, regolazione e concorrenza nelle ultime (tentate) riforme dei servizi pubblici locali | 2014-283T |
Democratization and nation-state building | 2014-182T |
Demography of deep-dwelling red coral (Corallium rubrum) populations | 2014-705T |
Dependability assessment of NAND flash-memory for mission-critical applications | 2014-27T |
Derrida filosofo politico | 2014-178T |
A descriptive analysis of the immigrant population with a rare disease in the Veneto region, Italy | 2014-1127T |
Design and implementation of novel algorithms to integrate different DNA sequencing technologies for de novo genome assembly | 2014-662T |
Design and preparations of the new polymeric materials of synthetic and natural origin for biomedical and environmental applications | 2014-1555T |
Design and testing of electronic devices for harsh environments | 2014-1236T |
Design and validation of key components for the readout electronics of future PET scanners | 2014-1245T |
Design and verification of guidance, navigation and control systems for space applications | 2014-1390T |
Design & development of x-directional real time 3D avatar animation employing wearable motion sensors | 2014-1272T |
Design, implementation and experimentation of a protocol stack for the Internet of things | 2014-1259T |
Design implementation and testing of advanced control laws for fixed-wing UAVs | 2014-1399T |
Design, model and implementation of indoor tracking devices | 2014-1248T |
Design, modeling and control of LLC resonant DC-DC converters for photovoltaic application | 2014-1210T |
Design of a wave energy converter | 2014-1306T |
Design of advanced LDPC decoders using traditional and new implementation technologies | 2014-1225T |
Design of cooperative networking protocols in wireless networks through stochastic optimization techniques | 2014-1288T |
Design of cross passage by 3D numerical modelling | 2014-1318T |
Design of embedded digital systems for data handling and elaboration in industrial and scientific applications | 2014-1231T |
Design of low power, low noise instrumentation amplifiers for MEMS sensor interfacing | 2014-1232T |
Design of nanodevices for sensing applications | 2014-488T |
Design of pilot channel tracking loop systems for high sensitivity Galileo receivers | 2014-1273T |
Design of wireless sensor networks for structural monitoring under ambient and seismic excitations | 2014-1240T |
Design, synthesis and pharmacological evaluation of new adenosine receptor antagonists | 2014-827T |
Design, synthesis and recognition studies of novel biomimetic receptors for carbohydrates | 2014-801T |
Design, synthesis and structure-activity relationship of novel and potent PfSUB1 inhibitors | 2014-802T |
Design time methodology for the formal modeling and verification of smart environments | 2014-49T |
Designing adenosine receptors antagonists using an in silico approach | 2014-816T |
Detecting small-scale geochemical and petrological variations within historical and modern lavas from mt Etna | 2014-586T |
Determinanti virali e dell’ospite nella patogenesi dei disordini linfoproliferativi HCV-correlati | 2014-856T |
Development and analysis of a novel optimization approach for the simulation of the flow in large scale discrete fracture networks with non-conforming finite elements | 2014-413T |
Development and analysis of advanced techniques for GNSS receivers | 2014-1287T |
Development and evaluation of neural network-based virtual air data sensor for estimation of aerodynamic angles | 2014-1396T |
Development and validation of a novel testing procedure for the evaluation of rutting susceptibility of bituminous binders | 2014-1354T |
Development and validation of numerical models for the optimization of magnetic field configurations in fusion devices | 2014-1189T |
Development and web-based implementation of algorithms for the automatic analysis of vessels in retinal images | 2014-745T |
Development of a clutch assisted engine start | 2014-1411T |
Development of a new flow cytometric method to study chronic lymphocytic leukemia | 2014-952T |
Development of advanced structural multifield models for the study of smart wing | 2014-1407T |
Development of approaches for decision making in asset management | 2014-1375T |
Development of innovative low cost POF sensor for monitoring chemical and environmental quantities | 2014-1217T |
Development of integrated procedures and models for the analysis of vehicle pavement interaction | 2014-1359T |
Development of mathematical models of a human virtual ear | 2014-1310T |
Development of new therapeutic strategies for hERG targeting in leukemia cells | 2014-854T |
Development of novel computational algorithms for quantitative voxel-wise functional brain imaging with positron emission tomography | 2014-740T |
Development of optical instruments for a tomographic analysis of dust and fluids in space environment | 2014-419T |
Development of PVD coating for the field of Al alloys forming from liquid state | 2014-1567T |
Development of simulation tools for the advanced semiconductor electron devices | 2014-1251T |
Development of the quantum Monte Carlo method to treat molecules and processes of biological interest | 2014-529T |
Development on an integrated multidisciplinay methodology for the analysis of rotorcraft flight mechanics with external loads | 2014-1397T |
Developments in the study of rock slopes | 2014-593T |
Diagnosi prenatale, amniocentesi | 2014-1086T |
Diagnosi strumentale di coronaropatia | 2014-948T |
Different behaviour of liver and brain mitochondria in permeability transition | 2014-629T |
Different mechanisms of action of Otilonium Bromide (OB) in human and rat colon | 2014-760T |
Different toughening strategies for UV-cured epoxy resins | 2014-1549T |
Differentiability properties and characterizations of H-convex functions | 2014-400T |
Differential modulation of the brain histaminergic system | 2014-820T |
Differentiation potential and metabolic analysis of satellite cells and amniotic fluid stem cells | 2014-1085T |
Diffuse γ-ray emission observed by the Fermi large area telescope | 2014-519T |
Diffusion of floating particles in open channel flow through emergent vegetation | 2014-1370T |
Diffusion tensor imaging and fiber tractography | 2014-743T |
Digital terrain analysis for hydrogeomorphic feature recognition | 2014-1440T |
The digitization of cultural heritage | 2014-1519T |
Dinamiche insediative e aspetti culturali dell’Ager Volaterranus tra orientalizzante e età arcaica | 2014-1752T |
Direct sum decomposition and weak Krull-Schmidt theorems | 2014-393T |
Diritto alla città e spazio urbano privatizzato | 2014-1616T |
Il diritto alla partecipazione di bambini e adolescenti nella quotidianità di vita | 2014-337T |
Il diritto di asilo nel contesto della politica migratoria | 2014-282T |
I disastri naturali nelle città costiere dei paesi in via di sviluppo | 2014-1612T |
Discovering sortases | 2014-897T |
Disintegration as hope | 2014-174T |
Dissecting and targeting HS1 phosphorylation in chronic lymphocytic leukemia | 2014-1057T |
Dissecting the role of ESC-specific microRNAs in proliferation, differentiation and teratogenesis of murine embryonic stem cells | 2014-875T |
Dissecting the transcriptome complexity with bioinformatics tools | 2014-668T |
Distributed decision-making and consensus algorithms for cooperative systems | 2014-1416T |
Distributed parametric-nonparametric estimation in networked control systems | 2014-1427T |
Distributed scheduling for low-delay and loss-resilient media streaming with network coding | 2014-1286T |
I disturbi muscolo-scheletrici da movimentazione manuale dei carichi e da sovraccarico biomeccanico | 2014-300T |
Diventare cittadini, rimanere cittadini | 2014-145T |
Il divieto dei patti successori tra norma imperativa, profili di tutela dei legittimari e frode alla legge | 2014-319T |
DMPK prevents ROS-induced cell death by assembling a HK 2-Src complex on mitochondrial surface | 2014-876T |
Document analysis by means of data mining techniques | 2014-34T |
La documentazione dell’architettura sepolcrale ipogea nel bacino del Mediterraneo | 2014-1624T |
La documentazione epigrafica delle città-stato del Jawf fra il 9. e il 6. secolo a.C. | 2014-1741T |
La domesticazione di specie antropocore | 2014-701T |
La donazione di sangue cordonale nei servizi ostetrico-ginecologici della Regione Toscana | 2014-1106T |
Donazione ed ermeneutica | 2014-116T |
Donne e scrittura nelle fonti fiscali fiorentine del 15. secolo | 2014-360T |
Dosaggio della 3-iodotironamina (T₁AM) e sua distribuzione nei tessuti e nel sangue | 2014-927T |
La dottrina dell’unità e della molteplicità in Avicenna e in Tommaso D’Aquino | 2014-118T |
Drug metabolizing enzymes and transporters in bos taurus and cryopreserved pig hepatocytes | 2014-1505T |
DVFS using clock scheduling for multicore systems-on-chip and networks-on-chip | 2014-1257T |
Dye-sensitized solar cells | 2014-1383T |
Dynamic assessment of cardiovascular biomarkers | 2014-728T |
Dynamic building envelope components and nearly zero energy buildings | 2014-1157T |
Dynamic covalent capture per lo studio di interazioni non covalenti | 2014-549T |
Dynamic detection and tracking of composite events in wireless sensor networks | 2014-55T |
Dynamics of ion-scale coherent magnetic structures and coupling with whistler waves during substorms | 2014-502T |
Dysfunctional PAR₁ signaling in the malignant mesothelioma cell line, NCI-H28 | 2014-920T |