Bibliografia nazionale italiana
Ministero della Cultura

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Scheda classi

Serie: Tesi di dottorato

Fascicolo: Gennaio-Dicembre 2014

E pluribus unum2014-127T
Early components of the social brain2014-105T
Early intervention centred on infant massage in preterm infants2014-1099T
Ecology of Alpine ibex (Capra ibex ibex, Linnaeus 1758) in relation to management actions in the Marmolada massif, Italy2014-1477T
L’economia aretina nei primi decenni del Quattrocento2014-1788T
Economicità e socialità nel governo strategico dell’azienda2014-212T
Economy of grid-connected photovoltaic systems and comparison of irradiance/electric power predictions vs. experimental results2014-1207T
L’edilizia ferroviaria nella Sicilia centrale di fine Ottocento2014-1670T
Edilizia per la salute tra innovazione e tradizione2014-1340T
Edizione critica delle rime di Francesco Coppetta dei Beccuti2014-1714T
The effect of bisphenol-A at the feto-maternal interface2014-657T
The effect of context on contour integration2014-83T
Effect of HAART treatment in a cohort of women in Mozambique affected by Human papilloma virus HPV, infection and Human immunodeficiency virus HIV2014-1053T
Effect of intercropping on yield and quality of organic durum wheat2014-1428T
The effect of stimulus variability on childrenʼs judgments of quantity2014-100T
Effects of extrusion process variables on the nutritional quality of dry dog feeds2014-1475T
The effects of GLP-1 on SIRT1 and on the related metabolic pathways in vascular endothelial cells2014-866T
Effects of pesticides on mite communities of grapes2014-712T
Effects of wood establishment on plant biodiversity and herbage production of mountain pastures2014-1435T
Effetti dei prodotti fitosanitari sulle comunità di acari della vite2014-712T
Effetti del jet-lag e recupero psico-fisico degli atleti2014-77T
Effetti del knockdown del recettore degli estrogeni β2 (esr2a) sullo sviluppo di Danio rerio2014-616T
Effetti della fango-balneoterapia sulle manifestazioni cliniche e sull’infiammazione sinoviale valutata mediante ecografia con mezzo di contrasto (CEUS) in pazienti con artrite psoriasica in trattamento con farmaci inibitori del TNF-α2014-993T
Effetti della riabilitazione cardiologica in pazienti con cardiopatia ischemica sottoposti a rivascolarizzazione miocardica chirurgica o percutanea2014-949T
Effetti dell’OSAS sulle funzioni corticali2014-1021T
Effetti dento-alveolari indotti dalla terapia precoce della mal occlusione di 3. classe con espansore rapido del palato e maschera facciale2014-1079T
Effetti di un compito secondario singolo o combinato sull’equilibrio ortostatico in giovani e anziani2014-784T
Effetti sostanziali e processuali della fusione e dell’estinzione di società2014-329T
Effetto dei farmaci ipometilanti, azacitidina e decitabina, sul proteoma e sul rimodellamento cromatinico di cellule di leucemia mieloide acuta AML1/ETO positive2014-758T
Effetto della tecnica di allevamento sulla sopravvivenza di fagiani dopo il rilascio2014-1473T
Effetto dell’infusione di albumina in un modello sperimentale di cirrosi con ascite2014-842T
Effetto di estratti proteici di batteri dell’acido lattico (probiotici) in un modello di wound healing in vitro2014-865T
Efficient electromagnetic modelling of complex structures2014-1252T
Efficient numerical techniques for the electromagnetic scattering from electricallylarge objects2014-1238T
Efficiently listing combinatorial patterns in graphs2014-28T
Electric and hybrid vehicles with two prime movers2014-1296T
Electrocatalytic properties of transition metals towards reduction of chlorinated volatile organic compounds (CI-VOCs)2014-530T
Electrochemistry for atom transfer radical polymerization2014-526T
Electromagnetic design and optimization of multi-chip RFID tag antennas2014-1256T
Electronic properties and potential device applications of exfoliated MoS₂2014-483T
Electrophysiological evaluation of the adult patient with cochlear implant2014-1075T
Elementi storico costituzionali in tema di espropriazione per pubblica utilità2014-236T
Elettrochimica per la polimerizzazione radicalica a trasferimento di atomo2014-526T
Embedded computing systems design2014-1226T
Emergence modeling to improve integrated weed management2014-1431T
Gli emigrati antifascisti italiani a Parigi, tra lotta di liberazione e memoria della Resistenza2014-1798T
Empirical assessment of the impact of using automatic static analysis on code quality2014-57T
Empirical characterization of software quality2014-51T
The endocannabinoid system2014-792T
Energy efficiency in optical network planning2014-1261T
Energy harvesting from hydraulic and vibration energy sources2014-1303T
Energy landscape of classical spin models2014-477T
Energy performance, comfort and ventilation effectiveness of radiant systems coupled with mechanical ventilation2014-1150T
Energy recovery from multipurpose water resources in the micro-hydro field2014-1363T
Energy shortage regulates BCR-Abl expression in chronic myeloid leukemia cells via transcritional/post-transcriptional control2014-841T
Energy-aware software2014-1174T
Engineering shortest-path algorithms for dynamic networks2014-1182T
Entrepreneurship and performance in Italian family SMEs2014-1521T
Enumeration of polyominoes defined in terms of pattern avoidance or convexity constraints2014-16T
Environmental and occupational risk assessment and management in tunnelling and underground projects2014-1321T
Environmental management in operations2014-1514T
Environmentally friendly plasma treatments for surface nano-functionalisation and protection of metals2014-1537T
Epidermis-targeted drug-loaded nanoparticles for the treatment of psoriasis2014-1533T
L’epigenesi trascendentale delle idee nella Vernunft kantiana2014-66T
L’era dell’accesso2014-310T
Eresie e animali velenosi nel Panarion di Epifanio di Salamina2014-1739T
Erri De Luca2014-1717T
Essays in economics of education2014-223T
Essays in experimental economics2014-191T
Essays on disequilibrium theory2014-198T
Essays on institutional change2014-193T
Essays on institutional complementarities, organizational forms and knowledge economy2014-225T
Essays on social interactions2014-189T
Essays on the macroeconomics of investment-saving imbalances2014-194T
Essays on vulnerability to poverty and inequality2014-188T
Essays on worker-managed firms2014-1T
Essenzialità e determinazione del prezzo2014-323T
Estimation techniques for OFDM with application to digital video broadcasting standards2014-1284T
Estrazione di cellule staminali da cordone ombelicare e loro differenziamento in colangiociti2014-964T
L’età berlusconiana2014-1794T
European insurance companies interim reports2014-1508T
European Union2014-172T
Evaluating public policies2014-208T
Evaluation of alternative sampling schemes for the detection of enterobacter Sakazakii in the production of powdered infant formulae2014-750T
Evaluation of cumulus cells transcriptome in patients undergoing in vitro fertilization procedures treated with different controlled ovarian stimulation protocols2014-1087T
Evaluation of phytoremediation potential and phisiological response to accumulation of several metals and metalloids by Salix spp., Brassica junacea, Phragmites australis and Populus trichocarpa2014-1450T
Evaluation of sediment properties using wind and turbidity observations and experimental investigation of the impact of macroalgal mats on sediment stability and flow dynamics in shallow tidal areas2014-1377T
Evaluation of the neuroprotective effect of parkin in a α-synuclein-based rat model of Parkinson’s disease2014-810T
The evaluation of the performance and safety effectiveness of roundabouts in Sicily2014-1355T
Evaluation of the role of AIP, CDKN1B, MIR-107 and AHRR in the pathogenesis of sporadic and familial pituitary adenomas2014-982T
Evaluation of the therapeutic potential of amniotic fluid stem cells for the treatment of a model of type 1 diabetes2014-908T
Evangelisme français et reforme contarinienne2014-131T
L’événement dans la nouvelle contemporaine (domaines américan, français et italien)2014-1700T
Eventi di vita stressanti, asse HPA e psicopatologia2014-1034T
Eventi sistemici del territorio2014-722T
L’evento nel racconto contemporaneo (ambiti americano, francese e italiano)2014-1700T
Evidence for diboson production in the lepton plus heavy flavor jets final states at CDF2014-458T
Evidence-based intervention against bullying and cyberbullying2014-106T
The evolution of the galaxy mass assembly and star formation activity from z=1 to z=0 as a function of environment2014-440T
L’evoluzione del porto industriale di Marghera dalle origini al secondo dopoguerra (1917-1963)2014-202T
L’evoluzione dell’arte dalle avanguardie all’era digitale2014-1599T
L’evoluzione delle industrie in materie dure animali del Trentino2014-714T
Evoluzione geomorfologica e paleoidrografica dell’alta pianura vicentina2014-580T
Evoluzionismo e cultura2014-135T
Ex vivo electrophysiological studies on the properties of receptor and ion channels from rodent and human CNS tissues2014-809T
Experiencing free will2014-81T
Experimental study of two-phase flow and heat transfer during vaporization, filmwise and dropwise condensation of refrigerants and steam inside small diameter channels2014-1166T
Exploitation of microbial capability to enhance the characteristics of typical regional wines Prosecco and Tocai2014-687T
Exploiting semantics to support education and labor worlds2014-31T
Exploring cognitive processes with virtual environments2014-777T
Exploring ligand-receptor interactions by SAR studies2014-793T
Extensive study of reliability and performance of next generation GaN light emitting devices2014-1253T
Extracellular matrix-degrading enzymes and control of fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2) signaling in pediatric glioma cell lines2014-1123T
Battaglino, Daniela.
Enumeration of polyominoes defined in terms of pattern avoidance or convexity constraints / Daniela Battaglino; advisors: Simone Rinaldi, Jean Marc Fédou. Siena, 2014.
   1 volume : ill.
   Thesis of the University of Siena and the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis to obtain the Ph. D. in mathematical logic, informatics and bioinformatics of the University of Siena, Ph. D. in information and communication sciences of the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis. In testa al frontespizio: Università di Siena, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis. Tesi svolta presso il DIpartimento di ingegneria dell'informazione e scienze matematiche. 
Altro autore:   
   Université de Nice
   Università degli studi di Siena : Dipartimento di ingegneria dell'informazione e scienze matematiche
004       INF/01

BNI 2014-16T