Bibliografia nazionale italiana
Ministero della Cultura

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Scheda classi

Serie: Tesi di dottorato

Fascicolo: Gennaio-Dicembre 2014

Fabrication and properties of particular reinforced aluminum matrix composites by spontaneous infiltration2014-1148T
Fast and accurate simulation framework targeting molecular dynamics for cells substructures2014-1199T
La fattispecie acquisitiva dell’art. 2644 c. c. sul concetto di acquisto a titolo derivativo2014-328T
Fattori predittivi di successo ed insuccesso accademico degli studenti infermieri2014-1100T
Fattori prognostici di sopravvivenza a lunghissimo termine (9 anni) in pazienti affetti da cardiopatia ipocinetico-dilatativa e sottoposti a terapia di resincronizzazione elettrica cardiaca2014-953T
Fault tolerant design and optimization of multi-hop networked control systems2014-1426T
Favor e suoi limiti nella successione di leggi penali nel tempo2014-303T
Feasibility of the SM Higgs boson search in the channel H -> ZZ () -> μμbb via VBF at Vs2014-520T
Feasibility study and development of a full digital passive radar demonstrator2014-1268T
Feature-based information processing of selective attention2014-1025T
Il federalismo fiscale in Italia2014-289T
Feeding strategies to improve health status and feed efficiency in growing rabbits2014-1478T
Female elegiac characters in the Exeter book2014-1706T
A feminine look at female objectification2014-159T
Fenomeni fisico-atmosferici nelle regioni boreali e australi2014-425T
Few and many-body physics in cold Rydberg gases2014-453T
Fiber crystals grown by micro pulling down technique for laser application2014-505T
Fibrillazione atriale2014-912T
La finanza di progetto nell’ordinamento giuridico italiano2014-287T
Fire safety engineering2014-1172T
First wall conditioning and plasma edge studies in RFP and tokamak devices2014-490T
A flexible characterization of models for small area estimation2014-10T
Flow cytometry detection of neoplastic plasma cells2014-944T
Flow physics and control of trapped vortex cell flows2014-510T
FL.U.A. sistema flessibile universale e adattabile per la camera di degenza per acuti2014-1667T
Fluid dynamic design optimization of mechanical and energy systems2014-1145T
Fluid dynamic modelling of bubble column reactor2014-1543T
Formal psychological assessment theoretical and mathematical foundations2014-85T
La formazione nell’era digitale2014-340T
Forme ibride nel cinema di Jean-Luc Godard, Chris Marker, Alain Resnais, Alain Robbe-Grillet, Agnès Varda2014-1693T
Forms and effects of outgroup dehumanization2014-157T
Fosfo-tirosin-fosfatasi (PTPs)2014-633T
Four essays in financial mathematics2014-415T
Fra luogo e viaggio2014-1637T
Frammento in architettura: durata e mutamento2014-1654T
François Antoine Valentin Riccoboni (1707-1772)2014-1679T
From 8(m) to 8(mm)2014-439T
From eye fixations to scientific conceptual learning2014-101T
From measurements to modeling the tradeoff between energy efficiency and system performance2014-1274T
Functional analysis of bc5181 in Bacillus cereus2014-1042T
Functional analysis of EFHC1, a gene involved in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy, in Drosophila2014-836T
The functional and structural neural basis of individual differences in loss aversion2014-90T
Functional characterization of a ripening induced RGF-like peptide hormone in peach2014-1456T
Functional consequences of familial hemiplegic migraine type 1 mutations on cortical activity2014-938T
Functional interaction between neuregulin 1 type 3 and laminin 211 to achieve myelination2014-764T
Fungi associated with the pine engraver beetle Ips acuminatus and their interactions with the host tree2014-1455T
Il funzionamento cognitivo nei disturbi di spettro autistico e da deficit di attenzione/iperattività2014-1031T
Il funzionamento familiare2014-79T
Un funzionario dell’Impero nelle province venete asburgiche2014-1787T
La funzione amministrativa nella crisi dell’unilateralità del provvedimento2014-263T
La funzione dell’implicito in due diverse forme di testi umoristici2014-78T
Funzione vascolare e dieta mediterranea2014-909T
Fuzzy probabilistic analysis of the comfort perceived by pedestriansex posed to traffic-induced vibrations on bridge structures2014-1338T
Giannico, Andrea.
Fuzzy probabilistic analysis of the comfort perceived by pedestriansex posed to traffic-induced vibrations on bridge structures / by Andrea Giannico ; coordinator: Michele Mossa ; certified by: Giuseppe Carlo Marano ; external referees: Giorgio Monti, Subrata Schakraborty. [Bari], 2013.
   1 volume : ill.
   Submitted to the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture Technical University of Bari, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of doctor of philosophy in enviromental engineering, XXVI cycle, curriculum: stuctural design. In testa al frontespizio: Technical University of Bari. 
Altro autore:   
   Politecnico di Bari : Dipartimento di ingegneria civile, ambientale, del territorio, edile e di chimica
624       ICAR/09

BNI 2014-1338T