Bibliografia nazionale italiana
Ministero della Cultura

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Scheda classi

Serie: Tesi di dottorato

Fascicolo: Gennaio-Dicembre 2016

Da Circe ad Egeria2016-762T
Dal servizio di leva alle missioni umanitarie2016-770T
Dalla rappresentazione in vista singola al modello 3D digitale2016-277T
Dalla sociologia della devianza alla sociologia della vittima2016-55T
Data cartography2016-499T
Data collection platforms for mental health research2016-280T
Data mining for economics2016-84T
Data visualization for natural language representation and processing2016-503T
Debris flow seismic monitoring and warning2016-623T
Decomposition mehods for network equilibrium problems2016-2T
Deep brain stimulation for dystonia2016-409T
Deep water challenges2016-225T
Deficit di acil-CoA deidrogenasi a catena corta (SCAD)2016-478T
Democede di Crotone & Udjahorresnet di Saïs2016-279T
A demographic approach to cetacean conservation based on photo-identification and stranding data2016-265T
Dentro e fuori il labirinto2016-759T
Dependable system design for reconfigurable safety-critical applications2016-546T
Descrittori di disabilità, fatica, pattern ipnico e marcatori plasmatici di stress ossidativo2016-408T
Il desiderio della ragione2016-50T
Design and characterization of MEMS resonant structures for sensing applications2016-570T
Design and experimental evaluation of a context-aware social gaze control system for a humanlike robot2016-296T
Design and implementation of wireless sensors and applications for the internet of things2016-604T
Design and synthesis of new antitumor ligands2016-335T
Design and synthesis of novel heterocyclic compounds as receptor or protein/protein interaction modulators2016-317T
Design challenges and innovative solutions in mixed-signal high voltage integrated circuits2016-554T
Design, development and testing of SOEC-based power-to-gas systems for conversion and storage of RES into synthetic methane2016-493T
Design e tecnologie digitali2016-272T
Design, implementation and validation of a middleware enabling the exploitation of the web of documents2016-544T
Design methods and tools for nanocomputing2016-576T
Design of a CMOS integrated circuit for electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) systems2016-568T
Design of observation networks and sampling strategies on ocean hydrodynamic models2016-200T
Design, optimization, characterization and performance of nanocarriers for brain delivery of natural compounds2016-325T
Il design per l’interazione tangibile2016-542T
Design, synthesis and biological activity evaluation of peptide-based collagen turnover modulators2016-331T
Designing a library of components for textual scholarship2016-509T
Detection of falls and gait anomalies using wearable sensors2016-508T
Determination of magnetic anisotropy of single molecule magnets in different environments2016-483T
Determinazione della concentrazione plasmatica di procalcitonina nella specie equina2016-676T
Determining product architecture during the conceptual design phase2016-274T
Deterministic and flexible communication for real-time embedded systems2016-518T
Development and analysis of magnetic resonance imaging acquisition and reconstruction methods for functional and structural investigation of cardiac and lung tissues2016-287T
Development and applications of new protocols for the Pd-catalyzed direct arylation of azoles with aryl halides2016-219T
Development and implementation of models and tools supporting the master surgical scheduling process2016-689T
Development of a cognitive and emotional control system for a social humanoid robot2016-289T
Development of a dynamic model of the alveolar interface for the study of aerosol deposition2016-282T
Development of a scintillation based technique for alpha surface background discrimination in a CUORE experiment upgrade2016-210T
Development of a thermal model for SPS modified for the production of bioimplants2016-552T
Development of an in vitro model of healthy and diseased hepatic tissue using 3D matrices2016-237T
Development of biomimetic environments for physiologically relevant in-vitro models2016-288T
Development of functional materials for electrochemical systems, particularly fuel cells2016-696T
Development of innovative analytical tools based on chromatography and mass spectrometry for the characterization and ageing studies of modern materials in artworks2016-214T
Development of methodology for evaluation of uncertainties of system thermal-hydraulic codesʼinput parameters2016-613T
Development of polymeric micro/nanoformulates for the controlled and/or targeted release of antimicrobial peptides2016-706T
Development of polymeric vascular connection device for small diameter vascular by-pass2016-700T
Development of speditive explosibility test (SET)2016-624T
Development of the time-resolved ion beam luminescence technique and its application to the provenance studies of lapis lazuli2016-491T
Development of vulnerability models for industrial equipment exposed to natural phenomena2016-693T
Developments and experiments of multidimensional differential SAR tomography for satellite urban monitoring2016-610T
Le développement du soufisme en Europe2016-769T
La diagnosi energetica di strutture sportive2016-496T
Diagnosis and characterization of viral infections of the central nervous system2016-430T
Diagnostic biotechnology and clinical management of HIV infection2016-373T
Diagnostica prestazionale del processo della ricostruzione2016-722T
Diffusion-reaction processes in complex and crowded environments2016-201T
La dimensione normativa dell’imprenditorialità accademica2016-64T
Dinamiche politiche nel Tirreno dall’11. al 12. secolo2016-784T
Dioscoride epigrammi2016-169T
La disciplina del lavoro tramite agenzia oltre i confini nazionali2016-122T
Displacement based seismic design of steel moment resisting frames2016-630T
Distopia e utopia nel pensiero politico di Aldous Huxley2016-99T
Distributional models for semantic relations2016-152T
Do ut des2016-763T
Dominanza sociale e uso del potere2016-59T
Donne e dirigenza scolastica2016-144T
La dôr biblica ed il tema del ricambio generazionale2016-768T
Du réalisme et de son illusion2016-751T
Dynamic arterial-ventricular coupling2016-286T
Dynamic partial reconfiguration for dependable systems2016-513T
Frilli, Guido.
Il desiderio della ragione : Hegel e Hobbes / Frilli Guido ; relatore: Garelli Gianluca ; coordinatore: Poggi Stefano. [Firenze, 2015].
   1 volume.
   Sul frontespizio: Tesi svolta in convezione di cotutela con Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, École doctorale de philosophie, Centre Nosophi, relatore: Jean-François Kervégan. In testa al frontespizio: Università degli studi di Firenze, dottorato di ricerca in filosofia, ciclo XXVII, 2012-2014. 
Altro autore:   
   Università degli studi di Firenze
   Université Panthéon-Sorbonne <Parigi>
190.9       M-FIL/06

BNI 2016-50T