W | | Waldman, Ayelet | 2017-5439 | Wallerstein, Immanuel | 2017-5366 | Watson, Robert P. | 2017-4864 | Watts, Ouattara | 2017-4990 | Weatherall, James Owen | 2017-4897 | Wenin, Roberto | 2017-4704 | Widmar, Bruno | 2017-4368 | Wierzbicki, Mateusz Jacek | 2017-4444 | Wihtol de Wenden, Catherine | 2017-4511 2017-4513 | Wilson, Nigel G. | 2017-5348 | Witt, Emily | 2017-5183 | Wonderlich, Stephen A. | 2017-4928 |
| Kingdom of olives and ash <in italiano>. Cenere e ulivi / a cura di Michael Chabon e Ayelet Waldman ; e Moriel Rothman-Zecher. Milano : Rizzoli, 2017. 503 p. ; 24 cm. (La scala). ISBN 9788817094603 : € 24,00. Soggetti: Conflitto arabo-israeliano - Memorie Altro autore: Chabon, Michael Waldman, Ayelet Rothman-Zecher, Moriel 956.94050922 BNI 2017-5439