The Iseum Campense from the Roman empire to the modern age : temple, monument, lieu de mémoire : proceedings of the international Conference held in Rome at the Royal Netherlands institute in Rome (KNIR), the Accademia di Danimarca, and the Accademia d'Egitto, May 25-27 2016 / edited by Miguel John Versluys, Kristine Bülow Clausen, Giuseppina Capriotti Vittozzi. [Roma] : Quasar, 2018.
375 p. : ill. ; 28 cm. (Papers of the Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome ; 66).
Testi in inglese o in italiano.
ISBN 9788871409269 : € 38,00.
Tempio di Iside al Campo Marzio < Roma> - Atti di congressi
Altro autore:
Bülow Clausen, Kristine
Capriotti Vittozzi, Giuseppina
Versluys, M. J.
BNI 2019-5024