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INDICE TITOLIScheda classi
Serie: Monografie
Fascicolo: 05 2019
H Hame 2019-5159 The hands of gravity and chance 2019-5141 Hans Kammerlander 2019-5106 Heimsuchung 2019-5170 The history of Henry Esmond 2019-5149 A history of the dollar 2019-4636 Höhen und Tiefen meines Lebens 2019-5106 The honey bus 2019-5144 Honjin satsujin jiken 2019-5320 Honorine 2019-5179 How do you like me now? 2019-5153 Human nature 2019-4382 The human planet 2019-4531 The hunters 2019-5158 Ogden, Thomas H.
Nelle mani della gravità e del caso : un romanzo / Thomas H. Ogden. Milano ; Udine : Mimesis, 2018.
234 p. ; 21 cm. (Mimesis. Frontiere della psiche ; 98).
Titolo uniforme: The hands of gravity and chance. Traduzione di Vera Sarzano.
ISBN 9788857549019 : € 19,00.
Altro titolo:
The hands of gravity and chance