Conference of the ERC Project Tracking papyrus and parchment paths: an archaeological atlas of Coptic literature, literary texts in their geographical context (PAThs) <3. ; 2019 ; Roma>.
Coptic literature in context (4.-13. cent.) : cultural landscape, literary production, and manuscript archaeology : proceedings of the third Conference of the ERC Project Tracking papyrus and parchment paths: an archaeological atlas of Coptic literature, literary texts in their geographical context (PAThs) / edited by Paola Buzi. Roma : Quasar, 2020.
324 p. : ill. ; 30 cm. (Past ; 5).
Tenuta a Roma nel 2019. Titolo sul dorso: Coptic literature in context.
ISBN 9788854910492 : € 35,00.
Letteratura copta - Sec. 4.-13. - Fonti epigrafiche [e] Fonti manoscritte - Atti di congressi
Altro autore:
Buzi, Paola
Altro titolo:
Coptic literature in context
BNI 2020-8148